2 ways to buy cheap airline tickets in LATAM; ENJOY!

If you are planning to travel to a destination by plane, you must have been reasonably sad to see that air tickets are very expensive. Therefore, since we have made other materials teaching how to save on travel (especially air travel), it makes sense to teach how to buy cheap airline tickets on LATAM.

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If you are interested in learning how to save even more on travel, you can click here to learn how to rent cheap cars through apps, as it will be possible to travel to the destination city without spending so much on car rentals. 

passagens aéreas baratas na LATAM
(Reproduction: Pexels)

However, our specific objective in this article is to teach you how to buy cheap airline tickets in LATAM, so pay attention to our tips to be able to travel safely, practically, and of course, saving money that can be spent later on the trip itself.

How to buy cheap airline tickets in LATAM?

There are a few different ways to save money when buying airline tickets in LATAM, let's talk briefly so that you can understand easily, as many people are accessing this type of content for the first time through this text.

Discount coupons

One of the main ways to get discounts when purchasing airline tickets in LATAM is by using discount coupons, which can be purchased in different ways, such as through LATAM's own social networks, where they publish certain promotions for their followers.

passagens aéreas baratas
(Reproduction: Pexels)

However, if you allow me a golden tip, I recommend that to buy cheap airline tickets in LATAM, you sign up to newsletter from LATAM, as this way you will be able to receive messages from the company itself in your email. Among the messages, there may be promotional coupons that can be used to buy cheap airline tickets in LATAM.

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Another golden tip is to get to know some coupon apps, among which we can mention Méliuz, which not only look for coupons for travel or shopping in online stores, but also gives you cashback on purchases made using the application. You can click here to access the official Méliuz portal.

LATAM Promotions

Also called LATAM Outlet, LATAM promotions are some offers that are pre-selected and that have specific advantages, whether referring to the value or specific benefits when purchasing that airline ticket. It is worth remembering that these are promotions with a short validity period, meaning you need to be careful to be able to purchase.

If you are interested in checking out LATAM promotions, it is important that you are, on a daily basis, consulting the company's official platform, as it will be possible to find the best offers simply and quickly, without depending on social media pages. After all, when these pages publish, you may not see the notification in time.

LATAM credit card

Currently, many companies are launching their own credit cards, giving users interesting options and making them think about which cards provide the best benefits. Therefore, LATAM is another one of these companies that, alongside the Itaú, launched its own card.

(Reproduction: Pexels)

The card in question is the Multiplus Itaucard 2.0 Platinum MasterCard. In addition to certain LATAM-specific benefits for its credit card users, and of course, the Mastercard brand benefits for its customers, there are sponsored events in which customers have up to 50% discount.

Did you like the tips?

This article was written so that anyone who wants to travel can get a great discount on air tickets when purchasing cheap air tickets in LATAM. If you liked it, take the opportunity to read our other free materials, such as apps to watch Formula 1 races online.


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