3 apps for you to learn how to crochet online: study without leaving home!

The internet is a universe full of tools that can help you meet all your needs. In fact, we have already brought apps that you can use to buy cheap airline tickets (you can access it by clicking here). However, today we will focus on educational content: we will show you how you can learn to crochet through apps and portals.

Crochet techniques are not that easy and good professionals take time to learn. However, we know that there are great teachers on the internet who can allow you to learn faster and, of course, at your own pace.

aprender a fazer crochê
(Reproduction: Pexels)

We have already made it clear that the apps for you to learn how to crochet that we will mention in this article are not sponsors of our portal. This way, we are only recommending apps that already have good recommendations from their users.

Apps to learn to crochet online 

Applications are increasingly popular, and as you may have noticed, people rarely put down their cell phones. That's why programmers are increasingly committed to developing new alternatives to embrace more and more users.

(Reproduction: Pexels)

We know that some less popular audiences are not as embraced, for example, in Brazil there are not so many fans of Formula 1 as much as football, however, even so, There are also apps for you to watch Formula 1 races through the Internet.


O YouTube is one of the best-known platforms on the internet. The app is a video repository in which anyone can create their own channel and upload their videos on any subject, as long as it does not contradict the guidelines you sign when signing up on YouTube.

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This tool is used for various purposes, for example, many people use it to track their podcasts favorites, like PodPah or PodDelas, which are major current trends. However, there are thousands of people who focus their relationships with YouTube on following news. For example, you can use the platform to see the main news about social programs (you can also click here to find out the latest news about the Auxílio Cesta Básica program).

Educational channels 

As previously mentioned, there are different types of channels: there are humor channels, informative channels and others. Our focus will be on education channels that will help you learn to crochet. After all, it is through these channels that you will be able to improve your technique and have greater professional qualifications to deliver truly incredible products to your customers.

(Reproduction: Pexels)

There are several channels that can help you learn to crochet, however, there are some that already have a lot of content that will help you from basic to advanced. A good example is the channel “Crochet and Amigurumi – Alini Martins” which is a collection of various basic and advanced content about crochet.

Another very interesting channel for those looking to improve their crochet skills is the Bianca Schultz, as the channel's presenter clearly and simply teaches you some of the essential crochet steps, enabling you to make beautiful pieces without much hassle. Didactics really make a big difference!

How to download?

YouTube is the company's own application Google, also owner of the operating system Android. Therefore, the vast majority of devices with an operating system already come with YouTube installed. But if you use iPhone, you may need to do the download on its own. If you don't already have the app installed, just click here to be directed to the app in the App Store.

Love Circle 

You probably already knew YouTube, after all, it is one of the best-known applications in the world, as different types of content are deposited on this platform. However, there are some platforms to help those who want to learn how to crochet that are quite specific, such as Love Circle.

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The Love Círculo app is considered the first Brazilian app focused on crafts, that is, it is already an app that has won over many people thanks to its useful functions in Brazilian society. We know that education is very important, so having an app like Love Círculo for people who want to learn how to crochet is really important!

(Reproduction: Pexels)

This app made our list for several reasons, including the quality of the content within the app. However, we gave priority to Love Círculo because it is a very simple application to use. We know that many people have difficulty using certain applications with more modern interfaces, so it is important to reflect on the accessibility of apps.

Love Círculo is a great collection of content that will teach you everything from basic to advanced crochet. You will also be able to access exclusive materials, so it is a great alternative for anyone who wants to learn how to crochet using a laptop or cell phone.

If you liked this app and want to use it to learn how to crochet without even leaving home, know that you can download it in a very simple way. Just click here to do the Download the app directly from the Google Play Store on your Android device, or click here and do the download from the App Store, if you use iPhone.

Amigurumi Today

Our goal in this list was to bring you tools to learn how to crochet from basic to advanced. Therefore, it is important to bring the tool Amigurumi Today considering that it is an app focused on teaching you how to make Amigurumi, which are those crochet dolls.

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The application manages to teach its users in very interesting ways, such as through videos that allow you to follow the steps to learn how to crochet. The app's reviews indicate that the classes are clear and that it is possible to resolve many doubts if you have doubts about how to advance in crochet.

(Reproduction: Pexels)

If you want to use the Amigurumi Today app to advance your crochet studies, you can Click here to download the app on your iPhone device. But if you are an Android user (such as Motorola, Samsung and Asus devices), you You can click here to download from Google Play Store.

Did you like the tips?

Our article today had the main objective of bringing a list of alternatives for those who want to learn how to crochet without leaving home. Our portal is full of interesting tips, so anyone interested can Click here to learn how to find Wi-Fi passwords for free! Enjoy our free content.


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